Mistral Mind


Mistral Mind is the service platform that automates the execution and management of breath testing, from sample collection to the final report.

The intelligent solution simplifies processes and offers intuitive tools to work more efficiently, keep everything under control and integrate data.

Mistral is the technology based on Breath Analysis, the science that analyses the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in breath, i.e. the traces of metabolic processes taking place within the body, for the early and non-invasive diagnosis of numerous diseases.

Simplicity and efficiency,
the platform includes 3 modules
linked to process steps:

Mistral Mind Sampler is the software that supports
the operator in the collection of samples.

With Mistral Mind Sampler you can:
The connection between the doctor’s PC and the sampler is wireless or by cable, without the use of the internet.

Mistral Mind Lab is the software for monitoring the progress of sample characterisation at Mistral Lab.

Mistral Lab is equipped with a mini PC (Mistral Dot) that connects to the analytical instrumentation, wireless or by cable, and governs the process.

When the sample arrives at Mistral Lab, it is accepted and registered in the database by reading the barcode. From this moment, it is possible to track the progress of the characterisation and, when finished, automatically receive the report or accounting document.

Mistral Mind Analytics is the software for storing, analysing and visualising history data.

Mistral Mind Analytics enables:

With the Advanced version (subscription licence) it is possible to compare data and determine epidemiological statistics for scientific and research purposes.


Automated and guided sample collection procedure.


Resetting of patient, sample and cartridge pairing errors.


Real-time monitoring of sample characterisation progress.


Automatic sending of sample analysis report.


Real-time representation of anamnestic data.
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